ABB MotiFlex e180伺服驅(qū)動器報警4018維修
4018 Can't fit model to voltagelcurrent data (_eaCANNOT_FIT_RESISTANCE_MODEL)
During the Measure motor resistance and inductance test, a gradually increasing voltage is applied to the motor and the
generated current is logged.The process is stopped when the drive current reaches 80% of the specifed motor rated currentvalue.The resulting voltage/current characteristic is used to calculate the resistance of the windings and certain parameters ofthe drive's power stage.Error 4018 will occur if there is not enough data in the voltage/current characteristic to perform thecalculation.
The error can also occur because of a motor or wiring fault. Check that the motor is wired correctly and there are no short-circuits.ldeally, remove AC power from the drive, unplug the motor power connector (X1), and use a test meter to check theresistance across the UN, VW and WlU terminals of the cable connector. The three resistance values should be the same andmatch the catalog values specified for the motor.
Occasionally, error 4018 will ccur if the motor rated current specified in the Drive Setup Wizard is particularly low for the size ofmotor. Provided that the value has been set up correctly, you will need to avoid the Measure motor resistance and inductancetest. To do this, manually enter the motor resistance and inductance in the Confrm Motor Information page of the Drive SetupWizard (most motor manufacturers will supply this information) and confrm that the test is not selected in the Autotune tool.Once autotuning is complete, check that the response of the current controllers is satisfactory using the Fine-tuning tool'sCurrent tab.
賓田沖版機abb伺服驅(qū)動器維修故障:通電報警、MotiFlex e180過載、過壓、過流、不能啟動、啟動無力、運行抖動、失磁、過流、過載、跑位、輸出不平衡、編碼器報警、編碼器損壞、位置不準 一通電就報警 一通電就跳閘 磁鐵爆鋼卡死轉(zhuǎn)不動 編碼器磨損 電機發(fā)熱發(fā)燙維修 電機運轉(zhuǎn)異常、高速運轉(zhuǎn)噪音大還有剎車失靈維修等各種故障,不于abb伺服驅(qū)動器,同時也包括其它各種品牌的伺驅(qū)動器。
伺服驅(qū)動器維修 伺服電機維修 觸摸屏維修 變頻器維修
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